Sonia Sumer
Energy Medicine Practitioner
Greatness Coach
I am passionate about helping you to reconnect to your greatness and live a life aligned to your heart. ​
Despite ticking all the boxes of what would generally be accepted as success; a career as a dentist, a tertiary educator, loving marriage, three healthy children, a beautiful house in a flourishing suburb, and travelling the world, I became disillusioned by the stress and busyness that came with this apparent success.
I was grateful for the life I had, however, it was a life that did not fulfil me. Like many other women, I was trying to do it all; build a career, raise a family, run a household and all of the running around and responsibilities that come with those things. I was always stressed and that stress very often manifested as anger, taken out on the people I loved most.

I had also chosen a career for all the wrong reasons. I did not realise it at the time but my choice was entirely based on egoic motives. I had always wanted to help people, but I had actually chosen a career that would make me feel important and give me the status in society that I craved. I thought it would give my life meaning, however, it only led to deep dissatisfaction and unfulfilment.
Over the course of my adult life, I had lost myself. I had lost what was meaningful to me, what I wanted out of life - I had lost my joy.
When I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2012 I was given the opportunity to pause and re-evaluate my life. It was the first time I realised that there was more to life than the hustle of working suburban mum life. During the time of my treatment, I started to find myself again. However, it was not long after going into remission that I found myself back in the hustle again, back in the job I loathed, busier than ever and constantly stressed.
Looking back, breast cancer was my wake up call, but I didn't hear the call. Instead, I fell into years of depression. After a diagnosis of ADHD at the age of 40, I hit rock bottom.
The lockdowns of 2020 provided the time and space to pause and re-evaluate once again. Through studying the work of William Whitecloud, I was introduced to the profound realisation that we are the creators of our reality. It was through these practical teachings of the ancient wisdom of alchemy that I was able to rise above the darkness of depression and begin to find myself again. I reconnected with my heart and my joy and in the process, found my true purpose in this life.
Learning to follow the whispers of my soul has led to an uncovering of gifts and talents that I never knew lie latent beneath the stress and anxiety that I had experienced for most of my adult life. Through this journey I have also come to know and accept my shadow and the role it has played in the life I have created thus far. This wondrous journey of self discovery forever continues as I move forward now as the predominant creative force in my life.
My passion is to share these learnings and gifts with you, to empower you to rise above stress and struggle and live in your greatness, expressing your own natural gifts and talents in the world. I want to see you thrive, creating the life that you were born to live.
Thank you for journeying with me on this magical experience we call life.
Big love to you
Sonia xxx

Qualifications and Accreditations
Reiki Master
Usui System of Natural ​Healing Reiki
Spinal Energetics Pracititoner
Spinal Energetics
Advanced Certificate in Guiding and Teaching Meditation and Mindfulness
Australian Centre for Meditation and Mindfulness
Complete Natural Success Curriculum
Natural Success
Bachelor of Dental Surgery
University of Melbourne
Bachelor of Science
University of Melbourne